Little Athletics Queensland (LAQ)
Little Athletics Queensland (LAQ) is the governing body for Little Athletics in Queensland.
What is Little Athletics?
What is Little Athletics?
Little Athletics is a uniquely Australian sport for children 3-17 years. As the name suggests, it is based upon the sport of athletics (track & field) and the events are specially modified to suit the ages and abilities of children. A wide range of running, jumping, throwing and walking events is conducted.
Events on Offer
Track Events:
Sprints: 50m, 70m, 100m, 200m
Distance: 400m, 800m, 1500m
Hurdles: 60mH, 80mH, 90mH, 100mH, 110mH, 200mH, 300mH
Walks: 700m, 1100m, 1500m
Relays: 4x70m, 4x100m, 4x200m, 4xMedley
Field Events:
Jumps: Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump
Throws: Shot Put, Discus, Javelin

The philosophy of the Little Athletics movement is summed up in the slogan:
Mission Statement
Little Athletics aims to develop children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletics activities.
Equity Statement
LAQ aims to guarantee all children and adults access to a complete range of participation, training and competition opportunities and to ensure equity in all aspects of Athletics, including the provision of rewards and incentives, coaching, officiating and administration. LAQ recognises seven equity areas, which include: gender, disabilities, older adults, Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, non-English speaker, employment status and isolated communities.