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When is competition held?


All our weekly competitions are held on Friday Night, from 5:45pm at John Oxley Reserve, Murrumba Downs. Other events and competitions are held on different days. Refer to the SLA calendar for full details on weekly competitions and the Other Events or LAQ calendars for more details on other competitions.


How much does it cost to register my child?


For a detailed explanation of the fee structure, please click on 'How to Register' --> 'Fees'.


How can I register my child?


For a detailed explanation of how to register your child, please click on 'How to Register'.


What events will my child be competing in?


It depends on the age group. Events available at Strathpine include sprints, middle distance, hurdles, race-walking, shotput, discus, javelin, long jump, triple jump and high jump. The U6 age group will also play athletic based games and compete in modified events, which will prepare them for competition in the older groups. Full details of the events for each age group can be found on the 'Competition' --> 'Events' page.


How long is each competition session?


Typically, a five event program for 200-300 Athletes will take approximately 3 hours to complete. This will depend on the amount of help available and the mix of events. Packing up all the equipment then takes a further 30 minutes to complete.


A 10:00pm lighting curfew has been imposed with the installation of the new lights at John Oxley Reserve. This curfew is non-negotiable and the lights are on a timer and will go out at 10:00pm


Do I need to remain at the competition each week?


YES! We have a very strict policy that states, “Any athlete who does not have a parent or appointed guardian at the venue, will not be permitted to compete in the events until a parent or guardian arrives.” The more parent helpers we have, the faster we can get through the events. 

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